Continuing along in our series of highlighting our amazing artisans, we recently asked one of our V.P. of National Accounts, Sandy Dalton, to share about herself, her passion for signs, and her interests outside of Sandy is one of the hardest working people we know, and we’re so thankful she’s part of our family!

Q: Where are you originally from? And where do you live now?

Sandy: I’m originally from the deep woods—country life—of Cairo, Mississippi. (Cairo basically consists of two churches and houses, that’s it! No stores, nothing, just grass, cows, horses, dogs, cats, and people)

I now live in a small town called Madison, Mississippi.  I love it here. We actually do have stores.

Q: How long have you been in the sign industry? 

SD: I have been in the sign industry for 24 years, and with for 20 of those years. Loving every minute of it!

Q: What does a normal day as a sales rep look like?

SD: Being in the sign business is busy!  I love to reach out to customers for floor plans and sign designs to custom-fit their hotel’s décor scheme. It’s important to me to follow up on open quotes to discuss any questions the owner might have and to help them navigate through our bid so they fully understand what they need to meet all inspection criteria, from the ADA regulations to the national fire code requirements. Not to mention the brand standards. tip: offers signs for both independent hotels and chain-affiliated hotels. Locate your brand store here.

It’s a lot to learn and a lot to keep up with, but that’s why they have us and we stay on top of it for them! We are the pros at signage so they don’t have to be. The customers have enough on their plates opening or renovating a hotel without having to learn all of the regulations for signage.  We love taking that burden off of their shoulders!

Q: What’s the most rewarding part of your job?

SD: I would have to say the most rewarding part of my job is forming personal relationships with the customers and being able to be there for them, even if they need encouragement (or prayer)!

Q: Imagine you had unlimited money and could go anywhere for a week: where would you go and why? 

SD: I would love to go to Israel! It is my dream to go to all the places where Jesus lived his life and did his ministry. I’d also love to see the Jordan River and perhaps even be re-baptized there!

Q: Advice you’d give to someone looking to enter the signage biz? 

SD: Treat every customer with respect, love, and compassion. Be honorable.

Q: Outside of helping clients get the best signs ever, what do you enjoy doing?

SD: Riding 4 wheelers and serving the homeless. Yes, I spend a lot of time outside of work feeding, encouraging, forming meaningful relationships, and praying with the homeless through the ministry I formed called The Lord’s Supper Homeless Ministry. ( actually offered to create our group’s logo free-of-charge to support what I do!)

Q: What is your favorite restaurant anywhere in the world? And what’s your go-to travel meal?

SD: Oh my! Not many people in this world know about my favorite restaurant, but it was featured on The Food Network once! It’s the White Trolley in Corinth, Mississippi. They make the best Slug Burgers in the South! It’s not what you think: a slug burger is actually made with soy beans, flour, and beef. It’s deep fried nice and crispy, and is so delicious!

When I’m traveling for work, of course I’m going to go for pizza! Who doesn’t love pizza?!

Q: What travel accessory can you not do without?

SD: Hairspray. A girl’s gotta have good looking hair! We agree, Sandy 😉

Sandy, thanks for taking the time out of your day to answer our questions! We’re grateful for how intentional you are in working with our hospitality customers and making sure they’re all squared up when it comes to their signage needs. If you have upcoming signage needs for your hotel or resort property, you can reach out to Sandy or any of our other sales reps on our Contact Us page

Want to work with awesome sign artisans like Sandy, Dyta, and our ever-growing sign army? (Well, of course you do!) Apply for one of the open positions at our parent company!