We wouldn’t be anywhere without our amazing sign artisans, and we’re proud to shout it to the heavens! Our company has some of the best sign artisans around working in all of our departments, including vinyl, assembly, laser, marketing & design, customer service, compliance, and sales. 

One of these amazing artisans is our national account manager, Dyta Kodirun. We asked Dyta to share more a little bit more about herself, her passion for signs, and her interests:

Meet Dyta (Dee-ta) Kodirun 

Q: Where did you originally live and where do you live now? 

Dyta: I grew up in the Washington, DC area, but I eventually found my way to Chattanooga. I just moved back here almost 2 years ago after living in Chattanooga for almost 10 years and then in the Detroit area for 2 years.

Q: How long have you been in working for HOTELSIGNS.com and in the signage industry in general? 

DK: I’ve been working with signs since September 2013. HOTELSIGNS.com brought me into this world and I couldn’t be happier.

Q: What’s the most rewarding part of your job?

DK: I’m ecstatic when I see our signs out in the wild at a hotel.

Q: What’s one thing hospitality professionals don’t understand about signs?

DK: A lot of people don’t realize how detailed a sign is and how many people work on the single sign. Most of our signs are handmade and go through many departments before it reaches your property. These aren’t just pieces of acrylic that’s slapped together, and each sign is made with pride and love by each and every one of us.

Q: If you had unlimited money and could go anywhere for a week, where would you go and why? 

DK: I would travel up to the coast of the Arctic Bay to see my favorite animal, the narwhal, in person. They don’t survive captivity, so it would be a dream come true to see a few.

Q: What advice would you give to someone looking to enter the signage biz?

DK: Details. Details. Details. It’s all about the details, so don’t assume anything when it comes to the material, color, compliancy, or anything else.

Q: Trade shows are back, so why should hoteliers consider attending?

DK: After being confined for over a year, we’ve missed seeing all of you, and I’m sure you’ve missed seeing your favorite sign vendor. Attending Trade Shows back give everyone a sense of normalcy again.  

Q: Outside of working with signage, what else do you enjoy doing?

DK: My favorite pastimes are putting together puzzles and going on walks/hikes with my dogs.

Q: What travel accessory is a must have?  

DK: I don’t know what I would do without all of the entertainment, games, and movies on my iPad.  

Q: What was your best inflight experience like?

DK: One time I was one of 3 passengers on the plane, and we could sit anywhere. It was nice not having to deal with a crowded space or noise from other passengers. We even flew right through a lightning storm and at one point the lightning went through the plane!  Best. Experience. Ever.

Thanks again, Dyta, for taking the time out of your busy schedule to answer these questions and for the great, detail-oriented, and courteous work you do supporting our customers here at HOTELSIGNS.com! If you have upcoming signage needs, you can reach out to Dyta or any of our other sales reps on our Contact Us page. And you can also connect with her on LinkedIn!

Want to be an amazing sign artisan like Dyta? (Well, of course you do!) Apply for one of the open positions at our parent company!